SEMA 2022 Hoonigan Burnyard at Ebay Motors Experience

SEMA 2022 Hoonigan Burnyard at Ebay Motors Experience

SEMA 2022 Hoonigan Burnyard at Ebay Motors Experience was held in Las Vegas, Nevada from November 1st-4th at the Las Vegas Convention Center. This was the first year for this feature and allowed for attendees to experience the industry’s new products live!

Smoke EM’ Is the name of the game at the Burnyard

This new feature took place in front of the Las Vegas Convention Center where there was a complete outdoor area ready for the feature! Not only were you able to see these new products live, you were able to take part in immersive ride-along, and get up-close to some of the industry’s most coveted vehicle builds! The SEMA 2022 Hoonigan Burnyard  allowed for a showgoers to engage with the vehicle and products in a way that we have never been able to before.

But the ride alongs were not all that the event had to offer, they also brought in Live Wrenching Tutorials with Chris Fix, “Between 2 Rides” Showcase, “Parts of America” Tour Stop, Post-Malone Monster Raptor, and Ken Block Racings Parts Auction. This outside action was an entire event of its own that SEMA 2022 brought in!

Truck Jumping a car at SEMA 2022
Does not get much better than this! Let’s FLY!

The “Parts of America” tour stopped at SEMA 2022 showcasing five outrageous build and the parts that made the builds possible before they cruised over to their final destination at the Las Angeles Auto Show. Also, Ken Blocks Racing Parts Auction allowed for you to big on brightly colored parts from Blocks Infamous tire slaying machines.   All in all, SEMA 2022 Hoonigan Burnyard at Ebay Motors Experience was a mind blowing experience!

The first year for this event was an amazing time and we are excited for the 2023 event and what it will bring!

Photos by: Chris Gosda, Erod, and Cheri

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