How Can C2C Improve Consumer Relationships?

“What is C2C” may come up in a conversation about eCommerce, eBay, or online commerce in general. C2C has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business on the web and build a community of buyers and sellers who meet face-to-face virtually via an Internet website. With platforms like eBay or Etsy, consumer-to-consumer eCommerce is now possible thanks to technological advancements, which allow us to sell products or services directly to the consumer. Such platforms provide opportunities not only for sellers but also for buyers to develop new relationships with people they have met online.

Why are consumers starting to adopt it?

So what is C2C? Why are consumers starting to adopt it? Well, C2C refers to a business model which allows consumers to purchase goods or services directly from other consumers. This is the essence of what is happening when you go shopping at your favorite high street store, browse through several sites on the internet, and make your purchases in a matter of minutes. But why should consumers opt to do business this way when we can skip the traditional retail model and instead purchase our items straight from the comfort of our homes? The main reason for this is that consumers want a better relationship with businesses and would rather do business with a company with whom they can connect online via the internet.

Increasing Consumer Base

C2C also allows smaller businesses to increase their consumer base. It is a cost-effective way for small businesses to expand their range of sales and thereby expand their market share. eBay and other online shopping sites are a good source of consumer purchases but not all purchases are made in the same manner or at the same time by all consumers. There is a difference in the level of service and the pricing structures between online businesses. By offering a single website for multiple transactions between buyers and sellers, a business can increase its market share without creating a mass presence.

Giving access to various services and products

C2C has an added attraction to consumers by giving them access to various services and products. Consumers are looking for convenience and they want to be able to complete transactions online and avoid the hassle of physically moving from one location to another. The availability of online transactions means that companies can offer additional services like online check and money orders, credit card services and accept debit cards and online payments from their websites. With these services in place, consumers can carry out a greater range of business online and therefore expand their client base. Not only does the company have increased revenue, but it has a wider consumer base and this means more potential customers.

Online Transactions

The Internet and the development of the World Wide Web have completely changed the face of how businesses conduct trade. Online transactions have become the norm for most businesses and have resulted in the growth of the online retail market. Consumers can purchase goods anywhere in the world from the comfort of their homes. The ability to deliver the goods to the consumer’s door has changed the face of retail marketing and has resulted in a more streamlined process, and consequently, increased profitability. C2C has developed business technologies that enable businesses to use the Internet as a platform for conducting business and has enabled consumers to take advantage of these platforms by shopping online.

By offering the consumer a choice to purchase goods anywhere in the world, businesses are setting themselves up for enhanced customer relations. With improved consumer relations comes higher brand loyalty, which ultimately leads to more profit and increased margins. Consumers want to shop at businesses that they can trust and that make the promise of good quality goods and services.